3rd and 4th days: Making a Volcano

Volcanoes are amazing right? Everybody is impressed by this hot and deadly mountains, that's why I have wanted to show to the kids what these fiery mountains are. 

The very first thing that we have done has been to explain what volcanoes and eruptions are. The children were quite active and were very courius about this topic, because of this they have asked me several questions. Even if I they have been very motivated when making the volcanoes, something that I had foreseen, I hadn't expected such a big interest during the explanations. 

As said, after the explanations we have proceeded to the creative part as I really believe that there is not better way to learn than by making. In this way, we have splitted the kids in two different groups and each group have done a different volcano. Even if Aco and I have had to explain the first steps, the kids have started doing it by themselves pretty fast, pouring their creativity on it. Who the hell says that science and creativity are not related??

After letting the volcanoes dry, the second day we have proceeded to eruption. First, I have explained what the reaction between vinegar and sodium bicarbonate is. 

As you may see, the reaction is pretty simple. The acetic acid present in the vinegar reacts with the bicarbonate obtaining sodium acetate. CO2 is also created in the reaction in form of bubbles. Indeed, this CO2 bubbles are going to be what allows us to simulate an eruption.

After explaining the reaction the kids have made the volcanoes erupt. To get the characteristical reddish colour of the lava, we have mixed both vinegar and soda with red food coloring. Afterwards, the children have put the soda and poured the vinegar inside the "crater".

Overall, the kids have really enjoyed this workshop. I was particularly surprised with the huge interest they have shown the first day, specially during the first explanations. I had thought it was going to be the most boring part for them, and they have proven me wrong, what makes me really happy.


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